Home Business NewsBusiness Japanese company set to replace workers with artificial intelligence

Japanese company set to replace workers with artificial intelligence

6th Jan 17 10:07 am

Could robots become a regular occurrence in the work place?

An insurance firm in Japan is replacing 34 of its workers with an artificial intelligence system that will calculate pay-outs to policyholders.

Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance reckons it will improve productivity by 30 per cent with the new tech, they believe they will see a return on the investment in less than two years.

The new move is unlikely to be welcomed by the 34 workers who will be made redundant by the end of March.

According to the Mainichi Shimbun the technology will be able to read tens of thousands of medical certificates, it will also take into account the length of hospital stays, medical history and any surgical procedures which take place.

The paper also said although the AI will be able to reduce the time needed to calculate these pay outs, no sum will be paid until it’s been approved by a member of staff.

According to a 2015 report by the Nomura Research Institute, nearly half of all the jobs in Japan will be taken over by robots by 2035.

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