Home Business NewsBusiness It's the hottest September in a century

It's the hottest September in a century

14th Sep 16 11:46 am

London hotter than Mexico

The UK’s hottest day of the year was recorded yesterday afternoon in Gravesend, Kent where temeperatues hit a 34C.

This heat meant that some places in the UK were hotter than forecasts for Mexico City, Los Angeles and Madrid.

In London temperatures on some of The Tube trains hit 35C- The last time it was this hot in the country was in 1911.

This unusual spell of warm Autumn weather is set to stay with us across England until Friday.

There’s been a North-south divide, with thunderstorms hitting the North while the South has been able to bask in the hot summer sun.

Health warnings were issued for the south of the Country and yellow warnings of rain are now in place in northern England and South- East Scotland.

Dr Thomas Waite, from the extreme events team at PHE, told the BBC: “Much of the advice on beating the heat is common sense and for most people there’s nothing to really worry about.

“But for some people, such as older people, those with underlying health conditions and those with young children, summer heat can bring real health risks.”

The Met Office told the Independant: “A very warm and humid air mass is in place across much of the UK, with conditions marginal for thunderstorm development this afternoon as temperatures rise.

“Northern England and southeast Scotland are currently judged the most likely area to see scattered thundery downpours, but even here many places will have no more than light rain.”

“However, where storms do form, there is a lot of moisture and energy available, with the risk of more than 30mm of rain in around an hour, large hail and frequent lightning.”

The yellow weather warnings are valid from 2pm-11pm.

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