Home Business Insights & Advice It is possible to beat the market

It is possible to beat the market

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28th Apr 21 12:44 pm

Here are the strategies and techniques that will help you beat the market!

You may be wondering, how can someone beat the market? Well, let us start with what beating the market means. The phrase “beating the market” is difficult to decipher. It can be applied to two separate scenarios, both involving financial outperformance. It refers to an investor or company that achieves better performance than the industry average. A market participant may have managed a return over a specific period of time, such as a year, that exceeds the returns of a market benchmark, such as the S&P 500, with an investment portfolio. Likewise, an actively managed equity fund might have surpassed the S&P 500 or the other benchmark or a similar fund. A business that “beats the market” has reported quarterly or annual results that exceeded market analysts’ consensus estimates. When an portfolio manager, investor, fund, or other investment expert outperforms the economy, the shareholder, portfolio manager, investor, fund, and other investment professional is considered to “beat the market.”

The market average can be measured in a variety of ways, but a benchmark index, such as the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average index, is typically a reasonable representation. Now that you are familiar with the term, we can delve into the next question: When does this “beating the market” happen, and how do you know?

If a company outperforms the market by a significant margin, financial news sources are usually quick to report it. If you want to find out for yourself, you’ll need to get out your calculator and request some data from the companies you’re interested in evaluating. Therefore, to consistently outperform the market, you’ll need a well-defined and actionable investment strategy.

This entails locating and purchasing stocks with a high probability of returning more than 8 percent per year. The validity of the system’s theory would have been back tested for several years in most market-beating programs. To be more specific, the market (S&P500) might not be an appropriate investment for every customer. On the other hand, this does not imply that such investors should refrain from investing in stocks altogether. Rather, investors can be best served by constructing a portfolio of individual stocks that are tailored to their particular goals, priorities, and risk tolerances.

A portfolio of dividend aristocrats specifically a blue-chip with a strong history of increasing their dividend on a consistent annual basis is an excellent example. A growth stock (quality dividend) with a beginning current yield greater than S&P 500 although remaining moderately valued will typically, if not always, generate more dividends than the market. In other words, it would outperform the market in terms of total profits generated and is very likely to match or outperform it in terms of long-term capital appreciation.

The following list of well-known and newer strategies has outperformed the market in the past, and many of them continue to do so today. They all have one thing in common, though. They don’t always succeed in outperforming the market. Now that you are all ready, let’s start with how you can be a specialist in this game as well.

1. Creating investment portfolios to meet your objectives, risk tolerances, and goals

First and foremost, you need to revamp your portfolio. For this, you will find numerous sources. The amount of income generated by the portfolio in comparison to the market could be a more significant goal that is often ignored. Another factor is the amount of risk taken. Nonetheless, for investors in retirement who are lucky enough to be able to live off their dividends, producing more revenue than will be available from the market (S&P 500) is a worthwhile goal. This would clarify why investors might prefer bonds, CDs, or other fixed-income investments. These aren’t usually bought with the intention of outperforming the market. Fixed-income assets, on the other hand, are typically purchased for the protection and/or predictability they provide, as well as higher current income, cash flow if available.

2. Implement The Motley Fool method

The Motley Fool Stock Advisor Service has been extremely helpful to me. It is a great way to kickstart your journey. The team focuses on individual stocks that they believe will outperform the S&P 500 in the long run. They then have brief, easy-to-understand research reports and explain why they believe the stock would be a superior long-term investment. The Motley Fool does not attempt to investigate every stock and fund in the United States. They have a simple portfolio tracker that you can use to monitor your favorite stocks, but unlike Stock Rover, they cannot bind to your broker. The Motley Fool is the first on this list to have an audited performance record against the underlying benchmark. This is what makes the service unique; they genuinely aim to beat the competition and assist you in long-term success. You may want to give them a shot and take their advice.

3. Foolproof steps that you can try

  • Keep an eye out for quality: Begin by identifying high-quality dividend-growth stocks from established companies. Dividend Champions, Aristocrats, and Kings all serve as excellent sources of motivation.
  • Identify companies with an attractive valuation: Next, sift through the above lists for companies that are reasonably priced, which I define as having an earnings yield of at least 6.2 percent—the higher the better. Also, the reader should be aware that an undervalued stock offers natural leverage, as I like to call it. Future capital appreciation of an undervalued stock would be proportional to future growth and numerous expansion opportunities. As a result, you can expect a lower future growth rate while still generating outsized returns on an undervalued stock.
  • Look for current dividend yields that are higher than the market average. Then check those attractively priced dividend growth stocks for current yields that are higher than the market average. The S&P 500 currently has a dividend yield of 1.85 percent. As a result, I’m looking for current yields of 12 percent or higher to provide a comfortable margin of protection or cushion.
  • Look for above-average future growth: After that, I concentrate on operational growth, both in the past and in the future. I’m primarily interested in earnings growth, cash flow growth, and EBITDA growth in this phase. Keep in mind that my primary emphasis is on long-term dividend growth and sustainability

4. Warren Buffett’s value investing method

Warren Buffett is well known for investment. He knows how to analyse stocks and what makes a great business. A Warren Buffett Stock Screener can use the solvency ratio to filter on investing parameters like EPS rise, consistent return on equity (ROE), high return on invested capital (ROIC), and low debt. Finally, using discounted cash flow, the screener must determine the margin of protection (DCF). How Does Warren Buffett Pick Stocks?

Buffett looks for stocks that meet specific requirements, such as profitability and a healthy cash flow. He then forecasts and discounts the cash flow for the next ten years. If the cash flow value is 30 percent higher than the stock market price, the business has a fair margin of safety and is a buying candidate. The following are the Warren Buffett Investment Rules:

  • Look for a stock with a fair value that is higher than the current stock price.
  • A wide safety margin
  • A long history of earnings per share and a high growth rate
  • A consistently high return on investment (ROI)
  • Is the company’s return on total capital high?
  • Is the company well-capitalised and well-managed?

5. Being on top of things

Many have found that combining index fund core assets with active managers or factor-weighted portfolios is a winning strategy. From a behavioral standpoint, a hybrid approach of index funds offering market returns and other assets providing future outperformance could be easier to stick with than using just one type of investment. The most important thing is to develop and adhere to a plan. One of the most critical aspects of good investing is having discipline and patience. You also have to make sure you are making the most from your investments by diversifying and religiously keeping an eye on the stock exchange and other statistics. Being diligent, disciplined, and determined is the key.


As your knowledge and experience as an investor grow, you can become curious about the various methods for achieving returns. It’s vital to be open to learning about new tactics and techniques, but it’s also crucial to understand what fits your personality, experience, and risk tolerance. As you would expect, active traders are those that are dedicated to taking care of their portfolio and following their objectives rapidly and actively. All of this necessitates not only a willingness to take chances but also the ability to maintain skills and productivity. If this describes you, it’s probably time to learn more


The above information does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation by London Loves Business and is not intended to be relied upon by users in making (or refraining from making) any investment decisions. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making any such decision.

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