Home Business News Ireland could be facing a full second national lockdown

Ireland could be facing a full second national lockdown

by LLB Politics Reporter
5th Oct 20 1:31 pm

Ireland could enter into a full second national lockdown whereby people will be told to stay at home as the health service have recommended, they move to Level 5.

Government sources have said that Prime Minister Micheál Martin along with two of his coalition partners are to meet with the chief medical officer before a cabinet meeting.

Ireland’s Level 5 means that people will be told to stay at home, and will only be allowed to shop at essential retailers and can only take exercise within 5km of their home.

If stricter measures are not imposed then Ireland could see between 1,500 and 2,00 cases a day by November, warned Dr Mary Favier.

Dr Mary Favier is a member of Ireland’s National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) and further warned that if cases continue to surge then Ireland could have no intensive care beds.

Dr Favier told RTE’s Morning Ireland, “If we keep going on the current trajectory, by the beginning of November we will have 1,500 to 2,000 cases a day and we will potentially not have ICU occupancy.

“The reality is that if things keep going as they are, if you or I had a bad road traffic accident in November or needed emergency cardiac surgery, there might not be an intensive care bed for you or I.”

However, HSE chief executive Paul Reid warned on Twitter, “There’s obvious concerns about the trends on #COVID19. But we also know the impacts of severe & regular restrictions in society on the public health, wellbeing, mental health and the economy.

“Level 5 recommendation to Government has to be considered in this context too. @HSELive.”

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