Home Breaking Iran envoy summoned to the Foreign Office over diplomat arrest

Iran envoy summoned to the Foreign Office over diplomat arrest

by LLB Politics Reporter
13th Jan 20 12:34 pm

Hamid Baeidinejad Iran’s ambassador in London has been summoned to the Foreign Office over the arrest of Britain’s top diplomat in Iran.

Baeidinejad was called to explain why Britain’s ambassador in Iran, Rob Macaire was arrested and detained by police in Iran on Saturday

Macaire was arrested after he simply attended a vigil for those victims that were killed when the Ukrainian flight was shot down by a surface to air missiles by Iran’s revolutionary Guard killing 176 people.

It has been reported that Macaire was held by Iranian police after visiting a barber’s shop for a hair cut.

In a tweet the British ambassador said on Sunday, “Thanks for the many goodwill messages. Can confirm I wasn’t taking part in any demonstrations!

“Went to an event advertised as a vigil for victims of #PS752 tragedy. Normal to want to pay respects — some of victims were British. I left after 5 mins, when some chanting started.

“Detained half an hour after leaving the area. Arresting diplomats is of course illegal, in all countries.”

Dominic Raab the foreign secretary was furious as it is illegal to detain any British diplomat under the Geneva Convention. HE condemned the arrest of Macaire “without grounds or explanation” and said it was a “flagrant violation of international law.”

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