Home Business News Iran are ‘three months’ away from making viable atomic weapons

Iran are ‘three months’ away from making viable atomic weapons

by LLB Reporter
7th Jun 20 10:23 am

An expert has warned that Iran has enough enriched uranium and components to make a nuclear bomb within months.

The rogue state stopped their nuclear attempts under the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, last year Tehran announced they will no longer abide the deal after the US withdrew in 2018.

Dr Olli Heinonen, a former deputy director general of the International Atomic Energy Association, believes Iran has enough viable components to make a nuclear weapon, as Tehran has increased the number of centrifuges to make atomic weapons.

Speaking to the National Council of Resistance of Iran conference, Dr Heinonen said, “Iran has not only increased its number of centrifuges, but produced about one tonne of low enriched uranium, enriched up to 4.5%.

“This amount is actually enough to make one nuclear device if Iran wants to enrich it further to the level of 90 percent.

“At the same time, Iran has installed additional centrifuges and is testing new models of centrifuges.”

The Dr added, “If the 2,000 centrifuges are reassembled it will double the Iranian enrichment capacity.

“It will bring the breakout time – the time that it takes to produce highly enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon – to perhaps only two or three months.

“This is certainly a matter of concern to the international community.”

He believes that Iran have been persistent in breaking the terms of the Joint Plan and non-proliferation treaties.

Dr Heinonen said, “I had the opportunity to study the atomic archives discovered in 2018.

“They indicated that Iran had not really dismantled its nuclear weapons-related research and development. Why? “Iran has provided no access nor explanation.

“Not only is Iran in non-compliance with its own comprehensive safeguard agreement, which was concluded under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, but it most likely has undeclared uranium in its possession.”

John Rood, former US under secretary of defence for policy, said: “I continue to worry about the potential for conflict emerging with Iran.

“The simmering low-intensity conflict between the United States and Iranianbacked militias came to a boil in January when the US conducted a strike that killed the leader of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force, Qasem Soleimani.

“Iran retaliated by launching missiles at a US base in Iraq, injuring 110 US soldiers.

“This exchange was merely the culmination of smaller scale attacks and US retaliation that have led the US and Iran to the brink of a large-scale conflict.”

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