Home Business Insights & Advice Influence of artificial intelligence in sports: A comprehensive study

Influence of artificial intelligence in sports: A comprehensive study

by Sponsored Content
3rd Feb 21 4:13 pm

The steady improvement of technology in the current generation has meant that only time high-standard concepts like Artificial Intelligence (AI) would enter the world of sports. People are smarter than ever to realise that technology and data must be combined to find superior results that can ultimately enhance performance on stage (or field).

Despite more people accepting the superior influence of AI in sports, there are still rigid mentality sections whose conservative mindset holds them firm from acknowledging this pleasant change. From sports data analysts to Sportsbook software providers, a diverse demographic is collectively championing AI in sports.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of ways how AI is changing the shape of sports at present times.

Talent Scouting and recruitment

Data analysis was not a viable option for consideration due to the lack of sound technology in earlier times. However, with the technological boom happening, the standard of data analysis has gone through the roof. Sporting outfits can evaluate metrics of athletes- which is impossible to gauge with the naked eye.

The increased support of AI has meant that you can now record data in real-time, dissect it, process it, and evaluate it with relative ease to better understand your resources.

Analysing workout and training

The advent of artificial intelligence now means it’s possible to create a bridge between measurable metrics and qualitative variables. For instance, you can now combine the runs and goals of a player with concentration and teamwork metrics to deduce his overall contribution in workout sessions and training routines.

As per several sports coaches and mentors, AI provides a competitive edge to these sporting outfits to better understand their team.

Designing coaching programs

The average viewer will look like AI has made a significant contribution to athletes to better understand their game and improve their skill set. However, you go a bit deeper; the raw facts will tell you that it’s the backroom stuff like the coaches who have benefited better. AI has revamped the traditional methods of coaching to bring energy optimisation and improved on-field performance.

Sporting coaches come to have years of experience in their CV yet are prone to making errors when taking decisive calls. The superior analysing capability of AI makes it useful for coaches to evaluate in-game situations from all angles to make an informed decision.

Creating immersive fan experience

A sport is also about putting up an entertaining show for the fans. The presence of AI has made it easy for the organisers to improve the overall fan experience. For instance, smart ticketing allows the audience to sit with different people at different stages of a game- think enjoying either halves of a soccer match with family or then the other half with friends.

Furthermore, AI is also providing the audience to customise their content, i.e., game highlights and camera angles. The audience can now decide how they want to enjoy their game, which is a path-breaking step.

Optimising advertising opportunities

Now that the audience is slowly gaining control of what and how they want to watch their sports, AI sets up steps to collect user data. The automated algorithm is programmed to record the user’s preferences and actions while watching sports. Commercial brands can later leverage this data to put up effective advertising.

Tech giant IBM used their celebrated AI, Watson, to monitor viewer tendencies during Wimbledon 2017 and provide commercial ads according to that data.

Parting thought

There is no denying that AI is the path forward when it comes to sports worldwide. They are used across formats for different purposes. However, the end product successfully yields improved results, making the sporting world smarter and better.

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