Home Business NewsBusiness HS2: Northern routes confirmed

HS2: Northern routes confirmed

15th Nov 16 10:52 am

What’s next for the HS2 project?

The government has confirmed the northern HS2 routes. These will be from Crewe to Manchester and the West Midlands to Leeds.

This plan does not include the decision as to whether a new train station will be built near Sheffield.

The governmen’ts preferred option is to see the main HS2 route run east of Sheffield but for a spur to take passengers to the city centre.

The announcement also confirms that the government is to go ahead with the controversial infrastructure project.

Many of those against the £56bn project believe it will spoil some of Britain’s most beautiful countryside. In response to this the government believe the new scheme will boost the economy by billions of pounds.

Gerald Jennings, president of Leeds Chamber of Commerce (part of West and North Yorkshire Chamber), said:

“HS2 will be the biggest single investment in the north of England in a generation, and will transform rail journeys between some of the UK’s largest cities. This announcement brings a degree of certainty, which in turn will encourage further business investment in the region.

“HS2 will improve connectivity and create greater capacity for increased rail patronage, something we know influences where businesses locate. A track is yet to be laid, and already we have seen positive moves from developers who see Leeds and the wider city region as a place to invest.”

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