Home Business NewsBusiness How to solve the tax-haven problem no taxes, no justice!

How to solve the tax-haven problem no taxes, no justice!

6th Nov 17 2:04 pm

Opinion piece

Every time a load of people get caught with their proverbial pants down over their tax arrangements there is an outpouring of anger and disgust, and then … nothing happens. And it seems the reason that nothing happens is that, well, as long as you don’t do anything illegal, there is nothing that can be done about tax-avoidance. 

Yes, you can change the current laws, but there are always ways around new laws for those with fancy (read expensive) lawyers and accountants.

So perhaps it’s time to look at the issue from a different perspective?  If we can’t make people, and large corporations, do the right thing by the use of civil law, maybe there are better ways to incentivise them to pay their share?  How about we withdraw services, starting with Justice and public services and amenities?

Taxes are used to run counties, they pay for infrastructure, roads, rail, health services, the police, and the military to name a few of the big ticket items. So, let’s say that if a large corporation like Amazon doesn’t pay its way in terms of tax, then we withdraw the use of all basic infrastructure and security from it, until such time as either the company pays its taxes, or foots to bill directly for using the UK’s road system.

And if its chief executive happens to be in town and is robbed of his watch, while walking down the street, or the company is victim to industrial espionage in the United Kingdom, or a cyber-attack that emanates from the United Kingdom, that’s just too bad. No taxes, no access to the justice system. Simple.  

And the same goes for those Brits who ‘legally’ don’t pay their taxes in the UK, but choose to live here. Want to report a crime? 

‘Sorry Sir, can’t help you I’m afraid, as you didn’t put any money in the system to pay for the police service!’

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