Home Business News How to improve pension diversity in just 20 minutes

How to improve pension diversity in just 20 minutes

by LLB Finance Reporter
2nd Aug 23 7:27 am

In a blog post Louise Davey, The Pensions Regulator’s (TPR) Director of Regulatory Policy, Analysis and Advice (TPR), explains how trustees can take immediate action to help ensure workplace pensions work for all savers.

Louise calls on trustees to take part in a survey, which will build a clearer picture of pension board diversity and develop TPR’s approach and next steps to improving equality, diversity and inclusion.

Davey wrote, “Our long-term aim is for the trustee landscape to be more representative of today’s society and the purpose of our survey is to enable us to measure this over time.

“We are not looking at individual boards but the whole of the trustee community in its entirety.”

She added, “We know increasing diversity of trustee boards isn’t going to happen overnight. By having their say through our survey, trustees can, in 20 minutes, help ensure the pensions industry has the right evidence now to make the best decisions to achieve greater diversity on boards over time.”

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