Home Business Insights & Advice How to choose the right enterprise marketing software to manage your business

How to choose the right enterprise marketing software to manage your business

by Sponsored Content
3rd Jun 21 5:58 pm

The success of a business depends on many components, and one of the main ones is marketing. At the same time, development requires colossal efforts and a significant investment of time. Fortunately, there are things that can make this task easier for you, such as marketing automation software. Don’t worry if you are hearing about this for the first time, don’t worry if you have no experience with this topic, because this article contains all the information and useful tips on choosing the right marketing software to manage your business. You will also learn why automating this process is so important.

Why do you need marketing software

Marketing automation is a complex work of software aimed at performing tasks that are directly related to marketing. In simple terms, a program that does marketing work instead of a person. The main goal of this process is to increase the number of leads and sales.

With the help of marketing automation, the company does not harm itself, because the employer does not need to hire a large team of people and pay them wages, all this is done by one mechanism. For example, thanks to email automation tools, you can send an email to your customer, on your behalf and at a specific time that you specify.

While you will need to essay writing service and research papers ahead of time, the program will make sure it gets into the inbox of every customer that matches your criteria. The main privilege of marketing automation is the ability to grow the enterprise and increase sales. It helps you save time and maintain consistency in your work. In addition, according to research, 4 out of 5 companies that implemented marketing automation increased the number of leads, while 77% had an increase in the number of conversions.

Criteria for choosing marketing software

Marketing software can be quite expensive. So, in order to get the most out of this at the lowest cost, you need to choose a program according to the criteria and functionality that are useful for your company.


The most important factor that every entrepreneur should consider is the cost of the software. The priority of choice is a “clean” contract, that is, without additional payments, extra commissions and fees. The cost under the contract you have chosen should be unchanged, because some programs offer an attractive price for the first period, after which it is rapidly increased in geometric projection. All additional functions and price tags for them must be announced before the start of the purchase.

Simple use

The software chosen must be understandable to staff. If it is very difficult for employees to master it, they will not use the software to the fullest, sometimes even forgetting about it. This will negatively affect operational efficiency, ROI, and ultimately marketing data will be inaccurate.


Each decision must take into account the existing system of work. Fortunately, modern software tends to do this. Collect a list of all the strategically important tools your company uses and make sure the software you choose supports them. There is definitely no room for compromise in this matter, because if the solution is not compatible with your work tools, this is unlikely to have a positive effect on productivity.

For example, your site is on Wix and most of your sales are done there. You will definitely be interested in software with integration for WordPress, although many people think that  WordPress is the best Wix alternative. Remember, introducing new tools should improve business performance and make things easier, not the other way around. Otherwise, buying it doesn’t make sense.


Imagine this situation. Your company is flourishing and in a year your scale is many times larger than your current one. If your marketing software isn’t ready for this, you can go back a lot. Therefore, it is important to choose solutions with the possibility of further expansion.

Consider alternatives

Do not rush to stop choosing after a cursory study of the software on the market. Before purchasing this or that software, study the reviews and experience of other companies. At first glance, it may seem that everything is perfect, but in reality it is not. The competition is so intense today that it won’t be difficult to find an alternative.


Using software to automate marketing processes is a new reality. Every company that wants to succeed and have a competitive advantage must reorganize and think about purchasing software. The variety of products on the market can automate almost any task, improve business performance and reduce the marketing budget.

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