Home Business Insights & Advice How to bounce back after an injury at work

How to bounce back after an injury at work

by Sponsored Content
24th Jun 22 11:21 am

As an employee, your firm has a duty to safeguard you and ensure that there are protocols in place to protect your health and general welfare whilst at work. Accidents can happen, so if you have been injured at work, it is important that you record the incident in the employer’s handbook and then see a medical professional if necessary.

An injury sustained at work can be a stressful incident, and you may develop grief from the ordeal. If you have suffered an injury in the workplace, there are a few tips that may help you process the trauma and find effective methods of coping.

Give yourself time to adjust

Take time to reflect on your experience and set realistic goals – start off small and slowly build your way up. Change won’t occur overnight and it’s crucial that you regain your self-confidence and embrace positive habits. Consider practising mindfulness and challenging any negative thoughts and feelings. Even small changes like writing in a journal or reading a book can slowly improve your quality of life and get you back to where you were.

Look for support

Speaking with others who have been through a similar situation can be an invaluable experience and reduce feelings of isolation and helplessness. It can also be inspiring and help you thrive amidst the negative feelings and consequences incurred by the incident. Support group leaders can also direct you towards resources that may help you to advance during your healing journey.

Family and friends are also useful resources, just for being a listening ear and providing empathy at a time when you need it most. Being aware that there are individuals out there that deeply care about you can make such a positive difference.

Know your rights

You may be entitled to claim compensation if it is a serious injury, which is why you should try to collect as much evidence as possible and contact a professional for advice. If you are considering making a claim against the company you work for, you may feel hesitant and anxious about returning. Set your mind at rest knowing that you shouldn’t be treated any differently or reprimanded for this – you are protected from unfair dismissal and your employer can get in more trouble for doing so.


Open and truthful communication is key throughout the recovery process, especially when you arrive back at work. You will likely attend a meeting once you return and discuss what your duties will be and how your employer can make adjustments to make your transition back to work a comfortable one.

Phased return

Try to arrange a gradual return to work with your employer, wherein you will start by working fewer days and hours until you are back to your usual routine. They will also factor in medical and rehabilitation visits into your schedule. Typically, this is based on medical recommendations and is usually set for a period that best suits your individual needs.

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