Home Business Insights & Advice Home improvements you can make to increase the value of the home

Home improvements you can make to increase the value of the home

by Sarah Dunsby
13th Mar 20 12:53 pm

Whether you just want to add a significant amount of value to your home or you’re planning on selling it in the near future, there are several home improvements upgrades that you may want to consider. These upgrades are a great way to improve the quality of your life to make living on the property more convenient. For any and all upgrades, it’s important to take your budget into consideration and shop around for the best prices.

Bathroom remodeling

The bathroom is one of the most used rooms within the home. Because of this, it is crucial that you work on remodeling it so that it reflects the amenities and features that you want. This might mean removing older settings, like a toilet or sink, and replacing them with new. It could mean giving the bathroom a fresh coat of paint or laying out new tile for a clean, organized feel or even just adding a new internal door could improve the look of your bathroom.

Add a home lift

Home lifts are a wonderful upgrade for virtually any home. They enable people to go from floor to floor with ease and without the headache of constantly using the staircase. Stiltz and National Careers Week have teamed up to discuss their apprenticeship to scheduler program as well as various products within their domestic lift line. Because of so many people joining the workforce to install these lifts, it’s easy to see why homeowners are choosing them for their properties.

Kitchen renovation

Your kitchen gets a lot of use every single day. Breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner, it may seem as though you’re always in there cooking for the family. If you’d like to improve the quality and functionality of your home, you need to renovate its kitchen. Renovations can include removing old cabinetry and installing new. You could rip up floors and put down tile or laminate that matches the new cabinets. New lighting fixtures are great for rooms that tend to be dark and dreary.

Focus on energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is great not only for your monthly bills but for improving the home’s overall value. There are several different things that you can add to the property to make it more energy-friendly. Adding higher-grade insulation behind the walls and in the attic space can help to keep drafts at bay. Installing energy-efficient windows will help to prevent bright sun rays from coming through and heating up the house when it’s not needed.

Exterior living space

The outside of your house is just as important when it comes to increasing its value. If you ignore the exterior, this will be a deterrent when potential buyers come by to check out the property. You may want to consider adding an outdoor living space where you and your family can relax when the weather permits. In some homes, they’ve even added outdoor kitchens that are set up for cooking and entertaining. When considering home improvements that boost property value, don’t overlook the benefits of adding an outdoor refrigerator to your outdoor kitchen from RTA Outdoor Living.

You will find that this type of investment is quite hefty at first, but that it more than pays for itself over time and especially if you ever decide to put your house up on the market for sale.

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