Home London News Heathrow expansion? The Fonz is relaxed about it

Heathrow expansion? The Fonz is relaxed about it

18th Dec 13 10:49 am

As the airport expansion debate rumbles on like the distant overhead murmur of a CFM56 turbofan engine in a Boeing 737 Classic, an unlikely commentator has flown in to air his views.

The Fonz has declared to the nation that he is “relaxed” about the potential expansion of Heathrow.

Happy Days actor Henry Winkler was stopped on the streets of Richmond, where he is performing in Peter Pan.

BBC deputy political editor James Landale asked Winkler for his view about Heathrow expansion.

The Fonz responded: “Let me ask you a question, would that bring more people into the economy?”

Landale said it would.

“Richmond is a lovely place, I watch the planes go every day, I hear nothing,” the Fonz concluded.

“You’re relaxed?” Landale asked.

“I am,” the Fonz replied.

Happy days for third runway supporters.

Let us know what you think @LondonlovesBiz and @sophiehobson


Now read this:

Boris Johnson at Conservative Party Conference 2012

Boris attacks “completely crackers” Heathrow expansion


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