Home Business News Hancock questions ‘how to control the virus and when to put measures in place’

Hancock questions ‘how to control the virus and when to put measures in place’

by LLB political Reporter
28th Sep 20 4:29 pm

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has told MPs in the House of Commons that he is questioning how to effectively control the virus.

He said the government are always looking “at the effect” of the measures they are imposing, and he has to take in all factors over the 10pm curfew and social distancing measures.

Questions have been raised over whether restrictions should targeted on those who are vulnerable, rather than the whole community.

Addressing the issue he told the Commons, “the central question about the control of the virus is, without a doubt in my mind, and this is a question I ask myself every day, how do we best keep people safe from this virus whilst protecting liberty and livelihoods and the things that make life worth living?

“And I believe that in reality there is not a simple trade-off… because the exponential growth of the virus means in reality there are only two parts, either to control the virus or let it slip.

“Because once the virus is growing it accelerates and I am convinced that no matter how effective we protect the vulnerable, and of course protect them we must, letting the virus rip would leave a death toll too big to bear.

“And in reality the only question is how to control the virus and when to put measures in place.”

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