Home Brexit Government is to air TV adverts explaning no-deal Brexit

Government is to air TV adverts explaning no-deal Brexit

by Sarah Dunsby
28th Feb 19 2:06 pm

The head of the civil service has revealed that TV adverts are to be aired to explain the implications of a no-deal Brexit to the public.

Sir Mark Sedwill, the cabinet secretary has said the governments communication campaign has been before the Constitutional Affairs Select Committee.

Since January Brexit radio averts have been aired and two weeks ago the government placed adverts in newspapers and websites.

Sir Mark dismissed suggestions the messaging is failing, he said, “Individuals and citizens and businesses are making their own judgments.

“The information is available. We’ve been putting it out on the website for several months, that’s now been complemented by some radio advertising. We have plans to bring through some television advertising as well.

“So, there is a communications campaign, but of course citizens and businesses are aware of that, but they also look at the front pages and the news bulletins and they make a judgment, their own judgments, about the likelihood of no deal on 29 March.

“And that will influence their judgments about the extent to which they need to make personal preparations to do so.”

He added, “Ministers are entitled to expect and indeed are required to exercise full candour in debating those issues before a decision is made and expect to be able to do so in confidence.

“And of course, the area, in my view, of collective responsibility that has been under most pressure… is the breakdown in the confidentiality of those discussions in advance.

“I think that is an issue we are going to have to address as we work our way through this.”

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