Home Business News Gogglebox paid £315,000 by DWP for pensions advert

Gogglebox paid £315,000 by DWP for pensions advert

by LLB Politics Reporter
14th Apr 19 10:43 am

It has been revealed that the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) paid Gogglebox £315,000 for an advert to promote workplace pensions.

The Channel 4 reality programme fronted the commercial for the families who appear on the programme explaining the benefits of saving for retirement.

However, Laura Pidcock MP and shadow minister for Labour said the money paid was “an astonishing waste of taxpayers’ money” by Amber Rudd the pensions secretary.

Pidcock added, “Across the country families are struggling thanks to Universal Credit and the benefit freeze.

“They will rightly be fuming when they find out the Department for Work and Pensions are throwing away money like this, but it really does not surprise me at all.”

Although the DWP defending the spending of the advert, saying it is an effective way to communicate with workers.

A DWP spokesman said, “It’s more important than ever that Britain’s workers learn about their pension options.

“Gogglebox reaches millions of people who feel a real connection with the families on their screens. This partnership was a unique opportunity to kick-start a national conversation about pensions in living rooms across the country.”

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