Home Business NewsBusiness Global cyberattack: Here’s what you need to know if you are a business owner

Global cyberattack: Here’s what you need to know if you are a business owner

13th May 17 4:22 pm

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A 22-year-old security researcher, known as MalwareTech “accidentally” stopped the ransomware cyberattack that has attacked companies across the world including the NHS.

The researcher accidentally found the kill switch that is built into the software targeting tens of thousands of computers in one hundred countries.

MalwareTech posted these tweets: “I will confess that I was unaware registering the domain would stop the malware until after I registered it, so initially it was accidental.”

“So I can only add “accidentally stopped an international cyber attack” to my Résumé.”

He added later: “So long as the domain isn’t revoked, this particular strain will no longer cause harm, but patch your systems ASAP as they will try again.”

He told Sky News: “The kill switch wasn’t discovered until about three hours after we’d bought the domain which had already killed all subsequent infections.”

“From what I can see it killed every infection that contacted our C2 (command and control server).”

“Although the exploit used is very sophisticated (taken from NSA leak), the ransomware itself seems somewhat amateur.”

MalwareTech has written a blog on ‘how to accidentally stop a global cyberattack.’ This is a must read.


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