Home Business NewsBusiness FTSE firms urged to appoint more women leaders

FTSE firms urged to appoint more women leaders

by LLB Reporter
13th Nov 18 7:48 am

A government-backed review has urged FTSE 350 companies to do more to meet the target of a third of women in senior leadership positions by 2020.

Figures to be published tomorrow in the Hampton-Alexander Review’s 2018 report, reveal the top 100 companies which make up the FTSE100 index are on track to hit the target with more than 30% of board positions occupied by women. This has risen from 12.5% in 2011.

However, in the FTSE 350 almost one in four companies have only one woman on their board, and there remain 5 all-male boards. This means half the appointments to board positions will have to be filled by women over the next two years to hit the targets.

Chair of the Hampton-Alexander Review Sir Philip Hampton said:

“Over 100 FTSE 350 companies have already achieved – or exceeded – the 33% target for women on boards, with a further 50 companies well on their way.

“I would like to thank the business leaders and stakeholders that have driven progress in recent years for their significant and collective contribution. At the same time, too many companies still have a long way to go.

“I am also delighted to see an increase in the number of women in the all-important senior leadership roles and companies working hard for some time now, delivering clear results.”

Business Secretary Greg Clark said:

“Many businesses have championed gender diversity, building on our modern Industrial Strategy’s ambition to ensure everyone can progress in the workplace.

“If companies are not diverse they are missing out on the benefits that a diverse workforce brings.

“Sadly, other companies are lagging behind and I want to see all of those companies do more to increase the number of women at the top.”

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