Home Business News Five London bus workers die from coronavirus

Five London bus workers die from coronavirus

by LLB Reporter
5th Apr 20 10:42 am

Five Transport for London (TfL) workers have died after testing positive for the deadly coronavirus. Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London said he is “absolutely devastated.”

Khan said on Sunday that “live depended” on people following “the law” and to stay at home unless for essential travel.

This comes as thousands of people across the capital are breaking the law by not obeying the governments requirement, with many sunbathing, having picnics and BBQ’s.

Khan said, “I have been clear that our incredible public transport staff on the buses, tubes, trams and trains are critical workers, making a heroic effort to allow our NHS staff to save more lives.

“But we need to play our part too and that means fewer Londoners using the public transport network.

“Please follow the rules. Stay at home and do not use public transport unless it is absolutely unavoidable.”

Unite union regional secretary Peter Kavanagh said, “Unite will assist the families of our members in every possible way during this terrible time.

“Unite has been working continuously with Transport for London (TfL) and the operators to ensure the safety of drivers and others in the industry who are performing a heroic job in getting NHS and care workers to their places of work.

“These measures include deep cleaning of buses, additional cleaning of touch points, the sealing of screens around the driver, the provision of hand sanitiser for all and placing the passenger seating closest to the driver out of bounds.

“I have been in direct contact with the Mayor of London who shares our view that bus drivers must be fully protected.

“My officers are holding daily meetings with TfL, exploring further safety improvements and we are absolutely committed to doing everything in our power to make the driving of buses safe during this unprecedented crisis.

“We are also calling on the Government to make provisions for transport workers in terms of personal protective equipment.”

The Health Secretary said on Sunday speaking to Sky’s Sophy Ridge, he does “not want to have to take away exercise as a reason to leave home.”

Matt Hancock said if people continue to break the law and do not follow the rules, then the government “might have to take further action.”

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