Home Business Insights & Advice Five e-commerce start-up trends post-pandemic

Five e-commerce start-up trends post-pandemic

by Sponsored Content
9th Mar 22 5:45 pm

The pandemic has changed many things in our society. Some things like e-commerce grew rapidly. It was already on the rise, but the events of the pandemic have made e-commerce go through the roof more or less overnight. Read more about the biggest trends in e-commerce here.

In the year that passed from March 2020 to March 2021, the percentage of all retailing in the UK that belonged to e-commerce that risen from 23,1 percent to 34,7 percent. There is no doubt that e-commerce will continue to grow when the pandemic is further behind us. All over the world e-commerce is going strong and the tendencies forming are pretty clear. It is becoming very evident what the consumers in 2022 are looking for. If you want to read news and guides on e-commerce, you can do so at https://www.webretailer.com/. In this article, you can read more about the unenviable post-pandemic e-commerce start-up trends here.

1. Consumers want it green

This will come as no surprise. The trend above them all is of course green consumerism. In 2022 many people care a great deal about the sustainability of the product they buy and the company they buy it from. Today every company needs to address their own carbon footprint otherwise they are at great risk of losing a large percentage of potential customers to their sustainability-aware competitors.

2. Purchases through voice assistants

Entering 2022 we have gotten used to using voice assistants for many different jobs. Right now, it is becoming popular for shopping purposes as well. No less than 43% of those who use such smart speakers also use them for shopping. This also means that the investments in developing this type of technology are increasing.


3. Subscriptions are the future

One of the things that have gotten hold of the 2022 consumers is subscription-based e-commerce. This is defined by consumers receiving services or products regularly such as a weekly supply of groceries. This type of e-commerce has gotten popular for several reasons. For one it is often possible to specialize in these offers for the consumer’s specific needs. It is also highly convenient and often cheaper. You can read much more on subscription e-commerce at https://www.mckinsey.com/.

4. Localisation will be implemented

In a globalized e-commerce world, consumers are craving localization. It is becoming a bigger trend to adapt products to cultural preference, translating both written and visual content to specific languages and specifics of local areas. Ultimately, the goal is to specify content and products, so the consumers feel like it is made especially for them.

5. Crypto on the rise

Of course, crypto is a trend that cannot be avoided. Bitcoin is becoming more popular as a payment option. Bitcoin and other types of cryptocurrencies have become popular amongst consumers and more businesses are accepting them as payment. For e-commerce businesses, offering this payment option might contribute to them broadening their customer base. The cryptocurrency trend seems like it might become more than a trend, but only time will tell. Follow the development of crypto e-commerce and other UK tech news here.

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