Home Business Insights & Advice Five characteristics that make a great PPC company
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Five characteristics that make a great PPC company

by Sponsored Content
9th Sep 20 3:52 pm

If we just sit for a minute and just feel all that is going around us, we will be able to understand how rushed this world is. Everything has turned into a competition, and everyone wants to participate. The rules are very few, so it doesn’t matter too much if the winner was fair in their game.

Not only the real world but also the virtual world is continuously running a race. A big contender of this race is PPC companies. They are gaining their well-deserved popularity. No wonder there are so many. However, not all are good. There are some characteristics of a great PPC company that you need to look for before hiring your new agency.

Extensive industry knowledge

A great Pay Per Click company will have extensive industry knowledge. This is because the basic know-how of the field is not enough if the company is aiming to be on the top. For that, the company needs to go the extra mile. The industry is vast, and there is no end to the information that you can learn about it and use it to grow.

Advanced analytics and reporting

Data is the heartbeat in paid search advertising. You will need to partner with a company who can implement advanced analytics and reporting. To understand this characteristic better, let’s have a look at an example. Let’s say you find a reliable PPC Agency in London that is ready to partner with your business. It’s imperative to take time to understand their approach towards data analytics and whether they’re qualified in both Google Ads & Google Analytics. You should also ask questions in relation to conversion tracking attribution, website heatmap implementation and how often they will share campaign reports.

Testimonials and case studies

Client reviews and case studies are a good measure of  any organisation. A reliable agency will have earned a lot of testimonials on its client’s end. For similar reasons, it will be mentioned in various case studies demonstrating good PPC companies. This shows that acknowledgment is a critical feature that good PPC companies embody. However, this acknowledgment strictly needs to be in a positive light. You must know the difference between controversial and famous companies to understand this point better.

Clear communication

An honest ppc agency will maintain clear communication with its clients, no matter what. This sentence speaks volumes about the quality of service that the company is willing to provide you. It also shows how transparent the company is ready to be with you, as its client. This type of PPC company will not gaslight you either, under any circumstances. So, whenever you come across a PPC company that isn’t clear in its words and actions, you know what to do. Run!

Mobile optimisations

Mobile usage has overtaken desktop and the numbers show no signs of slowing down. With the increasing sophistication of smartphones and improved network infrastructure leading to faster internet speeds, many people prefer to use their smartphones and tablets to browse online. With this in mind, you need to work with an agency who adopts a mobile-first approach to digital marketing, whether that be PPC, SEO or Web Development.

The above highlights many important considerations when choosing a PPC company. If your business is searching for a results-driven and transparent digital marketing agency, get in touch with MagnifyLab to understand how their team can scale your activity online.


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