Home Business News Face masks to become the norm after lockdown

Face masks to become the norm after lockdown

by LLB Politics Reporter
5th May 20 11:05 am

Labour leader Sir Kier Starmer has said it is “inevitable” that face masks will be required as the UK comes out of the coronavirus lockdown.

Sir Kier’s comments come as the Prime Minister is to deliver his “roadmap” in easing the lockdown across England.

He told BBC Breakfast, “Where does he see this? I think it’s inevitable.

“What’s his view on it? And then crucially the planning around it, because what I don’t want is a position where protective equipment, face masks that are needed on the front line aren’t on the front line because there’s supply problems.”

He said he has been calling on the government for an exit strategy over the lockdown and called for a “national consensus” to provide the public with “a degree of confidence.”

Sir Keir told ITV’s Good Morning Britain, “I’ve been calling for an exit strategy discussion for some considerable period because these are the things we need to discuss, and if it is to be face masks, then we need a plan in place to get them up to the right people.”

He added, that a “rush on face masks” must be avoided.

However, the Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the government’s advice on masks has not changed.

Hancock told BBC Breakfast, “The evidence around the use of face coverings amongst the general population is weak, one way or the other.

“We constantly keep that under review and if there’s changes that we need to make to the guidance, then we’ll make those changes.”


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