Home Business Insights & Advice Everything you need to know about VPS hosting

Everything you need to know about VPS hosting

by Sponsored Content
13th Dec 18 11:59 am

You’ve probably heard about web hosting, but what do you know about VPS hosting? Well, it’s nothing too complicated to comprehend.

VPS is an acronym for a virtual private server. As the name suggests, the server in question is virtual meaning it operates the same way as a cloud service only this time, this virtual server will store all your website’s files.

To launch a website, you’ll need a hosting service to store your files. Hosting companies use high speed and high capacity servers to store multiple website files. To set up and manage a server requires technical expertise, not forgetting the accompanying expenses.

However, not everyone is tech savvy nor has the money to buy their own server in order to host their website. With a VPS, you can rent out server space where the only operation required is uploading site files and performing simple customizations.

The Difference between VPS Hosting, Dedicated and Shared Hosting

A dedicated server only offers services to a select website. It means you’ll have to rent the whole server. This is viable for companies with high web traffic which pushes them to configure the servers to suit their preferences.

Again, not everyone can afford to have an entire server for a single website, especially, if you have a brand-new website. Therefore, the best option is to go for shared hosting. This allows you to rent out a small section of the server and use its services with others.

If you don’t know what option is best for you, consider contacting mvps because what you need is a VPS hosting solution.

How VPS Hosting Works

VPS hosting works in the same way as Virtual Box or VMware. With these programs, you can run multiple operating systems on a single machine. A hosting company can have a single physical server, but in it are various virtual operating systems running in one server.

Each of the virtual operating systems will act as a dedicated server because it has an “independent” operating system. This will afford you all the advantages of having a dedicated server at a lower cost.

The Advantages of VPS Hosting

With VPS hosting, you’ll enjoy low costs as you would with shared hosting, but you maintain control of your files as is the case with a dedicated server.

  • Privacy – There’s no chance of unauthorized access to your files because since you don’t share your operating system.
  • Control –You can perform any changes at your own peril without worrying about anyone else. For example, if you need to restart the system, you can do so because you don’t share it with anyone else. This is despite you sharing the same physical server with other users.
  • Customization –Just as you would install various applications on your personal computer, you can do the same with a VPS server. You can also tweak various applications to suit customer demands.
  • Dedicated Resources –Resources include RAM and storage space, CPUs and the like. A VPS server will offer dedicated amounts of these resources and you can use them as you wish. Imagine having to deal with a ¼ quarter of the available RAM because other users are using the rest!

VPS hosting is a revolutionary technology allowing you to sample the best of both worlds. You get to exercise control over resources and the overall system while also enjoying the low costs of shared hosting.

If you’re thinking of a hosting service, you might want to go VPS.

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