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Eton bans Snapchat in bid to curb sexting

6th Jan 14 11:22 am

You can learn Greek, Japanese or ICT with some of the very best tutors in the world, but the UK’s most famous public school has decided to take a rather more involved line in sexual education.

Headmaster Tony Little has banned the use of Snapchat over school WiFi – Snapchat being, of course, the app that lets you send a picture that self-deletes within seconds and which is the teenager’s favourite for sending naughty pics to one another.

Snapchat is fast becoming a major player in social media. Two-year-old Snapchat recently rejected a $3bn bid from Facebook, the largest ever offered by Facebook.

Little told the Telegraph: “Boys can still use [Snapchat] via the 3G phone network, but we hope that blocking it on our network will at least make them think twice.

“This is part of our continuing effort to educate boys in the sensible use of technology.”

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