Home Business News Don't miss: Leaked features of the next iPhone

Don't miss: Leaked features of the next iPhone

17th Nov 17 10:38 am

What we know so far…

  1. While many are still waiting for the delivery of their latest iPhone X, the rumour mill has stared buzzing regarding the names, cameras, features and display of Apple’s next big device.
  2. As the latest one was called iPhoneX, it is expected that Apple could name the next one as either iPhone XI, iPhone 11, or iPhone XS.
  3. The next iPhone is rumoured to be out around September 2018.
  4. According to a report in the Forbes, the next iPhone will have a larger screen of around 6.4 inches.
  5. Leaked reports also suggest that Apple Inc. is working on augmented reality cameras for the back of its next phones.
  6. The company is expected to keep the TrueDepth system, so future iPhones will have both front and rear-facing 3-D sensing capabilities. Reports suggest that Apple has started discussions with prospective suppliers of the new system.
  7. Apple has repeatedly stressed on how they see augmented reality as the future of technology. Boss Tim Cook has told The Independent how Eventually, it will be able to use the same technologies for more advanced capabilities – including the potential development of AR glasses that would let people see the virtual objects without using their phone.
  8. The selfie camera of Apple’s 10th-anniversary smartphone works by sending out infrared light and watching for how it bounces off the face but the 2018 phone will reportedly use a laser that will bounce off objects, and the phone will watch for how long that process takes so that it can map out the entire room.

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