Home Business News David Davis could ‘quit’ cabinet if Damian Green is sacked over pornography claims

David Davis could ‘quit’ cabinet if Damian Green is sacked over pornography claims

1st Dec 17 2:52 pm

Latest reports suggest

Just hours after a former Scotland Yard detective told media that “thousands” of porn images had been found on Damien Green’s work computer, Brexit secretary David Davis has reportedly come to the defence of his cabinet colleague.

According to sources, Davis has indicated to No 10 that he might resign if the first secretary of state was forced to quit amid the ongoining investigation into inappropriate behaviour.

A friend of Davis has told the Evening Standard that the Brexit secretary had “put his cloak” around Green and would find it difficult to stay in his job if Green was forced out now because of anything related to what happened 10 years ago.

Another source close to Davis has told media: “It is right that allegations of misconduct towards individuals are properly investigated, but police officers have a duty of confidentiality which should be upheld.”

Green has repeated his denial today saying he did not watch or download pornography on his work device.

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