Home Lifestyle News Cultural sentiments towards haggling

Cultural sentiments towards haggling

6th Feb 18 11:14 am

Read about the approach to haggling in different cultures

When it comes to haggling for a good deal, not every price is up for negotiation. Your mainstream grocery store probably won’t give you a discount on milk or bread just because you ask for one. But when you’re shopping for a car or even repair services for your home, the art of the deal could be built around bartering.

A survey, by Picodi, of over 1,700 people from around the world (including North America, Europe, and Africa) looked into what it takes to be a good price negotiator – from the role gender could be playing in your ability to score a better deal to how much good looks might matter.

Fair or not, plenty of studies show appearance matters when it comes to success. While the notion of appearance may not always be exclusively linked to physical features, it can include elements like body language and the way you present yourself (including highly visible accessories like hair colorings, piercings, and tattoos).

The survey found some countries believed attractiveness was a primary factor in successful price negotiations. In countries like Canada, the US, Germany, and the UK, people admitted good looks had the most significant impact on a person’s ability to haggle. In the Philippines and India, people were less likely to submit to the power of appearance. Eastern and Western cultures have different priorities, and research suggests Eastern countries (including China, Malaysia, and Indonesia) may value money more than Western countries. In countries where attractiveness was seen as a valuable asset during negotiation, love was considered more important than money.

When it comes to negotiating a good deal on just about anything, there are multiple variables to consider – from the actual value of the item or service to the emotional connection you or the seller may feel toward it. Even cultural norms and practices can come into play when deciding what’s worth haggling over.

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