Home Business NewsBusiness Conservative energy price cap promise 62 per cent of households paying too much on their energy bills

Conservative energy price cap promise 62 per cent of households paying too much on their energy bills

25th Apr 17 12:00 pm

Here’s why

In an unprecedented piece of new regulation, the Conservative government are expected to introduce an energy price cap that would save millions of households hundreds of pounds on their household bills each year. Currently, households who don’t shop around for better rates are automatically put on the default, higher energy tariff.  A recent survey conducted by Westland London, dealers in antique fireplaces, revealed that 62 per cent of Brits don’t have the energy to shop around for better rates meaning they are paying an average of £180 more, per year on their energy bills.

  • 62 per cent of Brits don’t shop around for better energy rates
  • Brits could be saving £180 per year in energy bills
  • South West are most energy savvy
  • Scots are the biggest energy losers

According to the survey, of the 2,000-people asked, only 38 per cent make the effort to shop around on comparison sites to find the best rate, while the remaining majority endured an average loss of £180 per household, per year, which went up to an average of over £200 in areas such as the North East and Yorkshire. That means that the majority of people in the UK are paying almost 20 per cent more on gas and electricity than they need to.

The energy savers and the energy spenders varied from region to region. The South West came out on top, with 43 per cent scouting for a better deal to save around £164 a year, while the Scots were revealed to be the least savvy, with 71 per cent losing out on an average of £183 per annum. Westland London’s infographic maps out where the biggest losers are in the UK, illustrating the average potential fuel savings and the  per cent of households who are not looking for better deals.

Despite a handful of thrifty energy users, it seems that for the majority of us, energy bills are the last thing on our mind. Stats revealed that only 32 per cent of people check their bills on a regular basis and a miniscule 22 per cent actually know the rate they are paying. But besides energy cost, with the current environmental climate, energy source and energy usage should also be a concern.

Heating is the main culprit when it comes to energy expenditure and contributes to a staggering 61 per cent of the total usage, which is why it is the first place we should be looking to make changes. And according to the survey, half of us are, with 50 per cent of people having said they had looked into a more environmentally friendly way to heat their home.

“With the price of gas and electricity on the up and up, it makes sense that people are looking to alternative fuel sources when it comes to heating their homes,” explains Anthony Bridgman from Westland London. “Installing a wood burning fireplace is not only set to save you on your energy bills, but the environmental impact is far lower, and it serves as a timelessly beautiful feature in your home. The crackling flames of an open fireplace bring about a feeling of warmth and nostalgia that you just don’t get from gas or electricity,” he adds. “And you’re bound to feel extra warm inside knowing that you’ll be saving on your bills – and the knowledge that you are using a renewable fuel source.”

How energy savvy are you at home? Have you thought about switching to wood? Westland London have a range of antique fireplaces that will suit any home.

Save energy – ten simple tips:

  • Use energy-saving light bulbs – this could save you over 80 per cent (£240 a year).
  • Fit double glazing – this could reduce your heat loss by 50 per cent.
  • Get solar panels to save a third on your electricity bills.
  • Compare gas and electricity prices to make sure you are on the cheapest possible tariff.
  • Insulate the loft – to reduce wasted heat, cut your heating bills and reduce carbon emissions.
  • Eliminate drafts and holes around the home with acrylic latex / expanding foam.
  • Turn off and unplug all your electrical appliances when you’re not using them.
  • Putting your thermostat down by 1° could help you save as much as £60 per year!
  • Use the economy setting on your washing machine and wash your clothes on 30 or 40 degrees wherever possible.
  • Wash your dishes by hand rather than dishwasher wherever possible.


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