Home Business NewsBusiness Concern about inflation rises to a new 40-year high

Concern about inflation rises to a new 40-year high

by LLB Reporter
26th Jul 22 5:59 am

The July 2022 Ipsos Issues Index shows public concern about inflation continuing to rise, with almost half now mentioning it as a big issue.

Forty-five per cent of Britons say prices and inflation are a big issue for the country, an increase of five points since June and surpassing the recent highest level of concern of 41%, recorded in May this year. Although still behind the levels recorded in the 1970s, this is the highest level of concern for this issue since the Issues Index became a regular monthly tracking survey in the early eighties (in April 1980 69% mentioned inflation as a big issue for Britain; in the next data point in September 1982, 32% said the same).

The other key issue for the public this month is the economy – a third mention this as a big concern (34%), an increase of four percentage points since June and up by nine points since the start of the year.

Worries over a lack of faith in politics and politicians have fallen by ten points this month, with 16% mentioning this as an issue. This is likely tied to the resignation of Boris Johnson as Prime Minister – fieldwork was conducted from 6 to 13 July, with Boris Johnson announcing his resignation on the 7th. While it remains the third biggest issue, similar proportions of the public are also worried about the NHS (15%), defence and poverty (both 14%).

Concern about unemployment has fallen to the lowest level recorded in the Index since it began in September 1974. Over 2022 concern about a lack of work has been polling in the low single figures, but this month just three per cent see it as a big issue for Britain.


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