Home Business News Children and teachers will be safe to return to school, says Gove

Children and teachers will be safe to return to school, says Gove

by LLB Politics Reporter
17th May 20 3:38 pm

The government’s plans to begin reopening primary schools in England from next month has been defended by Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove, he said measures are being put in place to ensure the safety of children and teachers as they return.

Gove told Sky News’s Sophy Ridge on Sunday programme, “We want to proceed in a balanced way to ensure the children have the opportunity to be back in school, to benefit from learning and, as a result, to ensure that their future can be more secure.

“Other countries have succeeded in ensuring children can return to school safely. The nature of what happens in the classroom has changed.

“Instead of children working around the table they are sitting at desks separate from each other and, as a result, they are able to learn, they are able to benefit from being in school.

“We recognise this requires careful working with teachers.

“But the leaders of some of the country’s very, very best schools have said they can that they can ensure that children and teachers and other workers are safe.”

However, the Shadow Cabinet Office minister Rachel Reeves said the reopening of schools is a “difficult balancing act.”

She said that in part by  trying to manage social distancing with young children, along with the wearing of face masks.

Reeves told Sky News’ Sophy Ridge on Sunday, “It is really important for the education of our young people, but also for their mental health and wellbeing, that they are back in school as soon as it is safe to do so.”

Former education secretary, Hinds said the effects of not being in school has been felt by the most disadvantaged children, “It is in everybody’s best interest that children can go back to school.”

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