Home Business News Brits struggle to stay positive about the future due to virus

Brits struggle to stay positive about the future due to virus

by LLB Editor
7th May 20 1:55 pm

In new polling by Ipsos MORI, 58% of Britons say they are finding it harder to stay positive about the future compared with before the coronavirus outbreak, and over half (54%) are struggling to stay positive day-to-day.

Women, in particular, are finding it harder – 61% of women say they are finding it harder to stay positive day-to-day, compared with 47% of men.  The survey was conducted online, among Britons aged 18-75, over the weekend.

However, 83% of Britons say the announcement of a successful vaccine would make a positive difference to how optimistic they feel. This would make the most difference among those aged 55-75. Nine in 10 (90%) of this age group would feel more optimistic should such an announcement be made, 8 in 10 18-54s feel the same way.

Three-quarters (73%) say they would feel more optimistic if they knew their income wouldn’t be affected (rising to 80% of 18-34-year olds). Three in four would also feel more positive about the future should they be able to visit a small selection of friends and family.

Two-thirds (66%) of the British public would be able to feel more optimistic if they knew when the current restrictions are going to ease (rising to 74% of 18-34-year olds). Sixty-four per cent would also feel more optimistic if they were able to take a test to tell them if they have, or have had, Covid-19. Whilst two-thirds (63%) of parents might find it easier to see the light at the end of the tunnel if their children went back to school.

Two in five are desperate to escape those they’ve been cooped-up with – 40% think that spending time away from those they’re self-isolating with will have a positive difference on their outlook while 42% believe this will make little change, if any.   Young people are twice as likely to find this appealing than older groups (57% of 18-34s vs 27% of 55-75-year olds).

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