Home Business News ‘Britain will not walk away from Iran nuclear deal’

‘Britain will not walk away from Iran nuclear deal’

9th May 18 4:36 pm

Here’s what the foreign secretary told MPs

Boris Johnson told MPs today that Britain has “no intention of walking away” from the Iran nuclear deal despite the United States pulling out. The foreign secretary also demanded “concrete proposals” from Washington on how to now curtail Tehran’s nuclear weapons ambitions.

Last evening, Donald Trump had pulled the US out of Iran nuclear deal and said he would reimpose economic sanctions to undermine the “horrible one-sided deal that should never, ever have been made”.

Johnson told the Commons: “The JCPOA is an international agreement painstakingly negotiated over 13 years under both Republican and Democratic institutions and enshrined in UN resolution 2231. Britain has no intention of walking away.

“Instead we will co-operate with the other parties to ensure that while Iran continues to restrict its nuclear programme then its people will benefit from sanctions relief in accordance with the central bargain of the deal.”

Britain would remain “a party” to the JCPOA as long as Iran complied with it, he added.

However, Theresa May has regretted Trump’s decision to exit the 2015 agreement. “We urge all sides to remain committed to its implementation and to act in a spirit of responsibility”, the group, which includes France and Germany, wrote.

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