Home Brexit Brexit: Northern Ireland to get ‘joint UK-EU’ status?

Brexit: Northern Ireland to get ‘joint UK-EU’ status?

1st Jun 18 9:37 am

Here’s what the latest report says

According to a report in The Sun newspaper, Brexit secretary David Davis is creating a Brexit plan that would give Northern Ireland a ‘joint UK and EU status’ so it could trade freely with both, as well as a buffer zone to eliminate the need for border checkpoints with Ireland.

The 10-mile (16-km)-wide trade buffer zone along the border would be in effect for local traders like dairy farmers after the UK leaves the bloc, the newspaper added.

Northern Ireland, which will become the UK’s only land frontier with the EU after Brexit next year, remains the most difficult issue in talks between Brussels and London.

PM Theresa May had previously pledged to take the UK out of the EU customs union by considering two options. One would be “max fac” in which the UK and EU would be entirely separate customs areas but would try to use technology to reduce friction and costs at the border.

The other option being considered is a “customs partnership”, according to which the UK would co-operate with the EU more closely and collect tariffs on its behalf with no requirement of declarations of goods crossing the border, according to media reports.

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