Home Brexit Brexit Battle: Supreme Court begins landmark legal hearing

Brexit Battle: Supreme Court begins landmark legal hearing

5th Dec 16 11:10 am

What will happen next for Brexit?

The Supreme Court begins landmark legal hearing on Monday over whether parliaments consent is needed before official Brexit negotiations can get the go ahead.

The government will appeal against last month’s ruling that only parliament has the authority to trigger article 50.

The hearing is expected to last four days, and a verdict isn’t due until January.

The outcome will affect Theresa Mays strategy on leaving the European Union

The UK voted to leave the EU in a referendum in June, 51.9 per cent of the electorate voted leave, 48.1 per cent voted remain.

The Prime Minister wants to begin negotiations to leave the EU by the end of March next year.

Campaigners have insisted that the decision can only be made by parliament.

The hearing will begin at 11:00 GMT on Monday with the government putting forward its case.

In a statement on the Supreme Court website, the justices said they were “aware of the public interest in this case and the strong feelings associated with the wider political questions of the UK’s departure from the EU, which we stress are not the subject of this appeal”.

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