Home Business NewsPolitics News Brexit: Article 50 could be triggered within days

Brexit: Article 50 could be triggered within days

12th Mar 17 3:07 pm

UK prepares to leave the EU

EU leaders are preparing formal Brexit negotiations in Brussels as they were informed that the UK could trigger the start of talks this Tuesday.

Enda Kenny the Irish Prime Minister told reporters that EU27 has pencilled in a meeting in early April.

Enda Kenny said: “The next meeting is to be on the 6th of April, provided that the Prime Minister moves Article 50, I think by the 15th of March.”

“There will be a response immediately from the European Council, and there will be guidelines issued within 48 hours. And the European Council meeting to adopt those guidelines will be on 6 April.”

However, with Dutch elections on 15 March some remained sceptical that Theresa May would risk a diplomatic upset by triggering Article 50 before the Dutch elections.

The House of Commons will receive the EU Notification of Withdrawal Bill on Monday from the House of Lords. This could be voted the same day allowing Theresa May the opportunity to formally trigger Article 50.

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