Home Business NewsPolitics News Boris: Miliband is a "leftie" and my brother can be PM

Boris: Miliband is a "leftie" and my brother can be PM

by LLB Editor
20th Aug 13 10:04 am

Boris and salacious media sound bites go hand-in-hand, and this time the London Mayor is having a dig at Labour leader Ed Miliband for defeating his brother in a leadership election in 2010.

In an interview with The Australian newspaper, the Mayor called Miliband a “socialist” and “leftie” who thinks familial ties are “trivial”.

Boris went on to say that he and his brothers were nothing like the Milibands.

“We don’t do things that way, that’s a very left-wing thing. […] Only a socialist could do that to his brother, only a socialist could regard familial ties as being so trivial as to shaft his own brother.

“I mean, unbelievable. Only lefties can think like that. […] They see people as discrete agents devoid of ties to society or to each other, and that’s how Stalin could murder 20 million people,” he said.

When asked if Boris’s brother and rising Tory star Jo Johnson could become Prime Minister, the Mayor said: “I think it very likely, and I think he’d be brilliant.”

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