Home Business NewsPolitics News Boris, Ken and Brian – the mayoral candidates' policies revealed

Boris, Ken and Brian – the mayoral candidates' policies revealed

11th Apr 12 10:10 am

Today the top three in the mayoral race publish their manifestos – here they are broken down

Ken’s six pledges

1. Cut fares by seven per cent this year – saving the average Londoner £1,000 over four years. This is Ken’s most famous pledge and the former mayor vows to resign if he doesn’t cut fares by seven per cent on, or by, seven October 2012.

2. Work to reduce rents and improve homes by instating a London non-profit lettings agency. Ken pledges to set up a Tenants’ Charter that will set minimum standards for rented accommodation. Ken says this, and the agency, will help reduce rents and improve living costs.

3. Tackle heating bills through insulation and an energy co-op called the London Energy Co-operative, that will reduce prices and help households save over £150 a year. To ensure a greener London for all, Ken says he will restore the targets set for cutting carbon emissions – a sixty per cent cut by 2025 – a target he says has been neglected by Boris.

4. Reinstate a London Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) of up to £30 a week to help young people stay in education

5. Provide more support for childcare with grants and interest-free loans

6. Reverse Boris Johnson’s police cuts and restore local sergeants. Ken wants more bobbies on the beat.

Boris’ nine-point plan

1. Creating 200,000 new jobs over the next four years, in housing, the Tube, Crossrail, the Olympics, and other areas.

2. Investing £221m to transform outer London high streets and support small businesses.

3. Putting £445 back in the public purse by giving up the Mayoral share of council tax.

4. Cutting Tube delays by a further 30 per cent by 2015.

5. Saving a further £1.5bn by making cuts in Transport for London, the policing and crime office, the Greater London Authority and the fire authority, on top of the £2bn already saved.

6. Converting the Olympic village into 11,000 new homes and creating 10,000 new jobs in Olympic regeneration.

7. 1,000 more police on the beat to make streets and homes safer.

8. Restoring 300 acres of green space and planting 20,000 street trees.

9. Strengthening the positive working relationship with No. 10 to get funding for the Crossrail project, keeping police numbers up after the Olympics and reducing congestion.

Brian Paddick: the ten key points

1. Payback sentencing will see criminals working in the community to give back to Londoners rather than ‘sit in cells’. “You break it, you fix it,” is the slogan.

2. A promise to guarantee 33,500 police in the MET and give more power to communities. “Groups of residents should be encouraged to organise themselves, get advice and guidance from the police and patrol their local streets and estates to prevent crime.”

3. One Hour Bus ticket allowing people to hop on and hop off with a single fare.

4. Network of youth hubs across the capital offering a positive alternative to gangs. Hubs to  be funded by banks and a levy on luxury hotel rooms.

5. Early bird fares to reward those who start their journeys before the morning rush.

6. Set up a new London Housing Company to address shortages. Build 360,000 new homes over 10 years.

7. Introduce a London-wide Mayor’s kitemark for the private rental sector to challenge rogue landlords.

8. End racist stop and search by taking away the power to stop and search from any officers that misuse it.

9. Have all London buses, taxis and the majority of commercial vans running on electricity by 2020.

10. Zero carbon London by 2030 with promotion of energy efficiency to reduce fuel bills.


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