Home Business NewsBusinessAviation News Boris Johnson admits ‘things look difficult’ for holidays abroad

Boris Johnson admits ‘things look difficult’ for holidays abroad

by LLB Politics Reporter
24th Mar 21 10:05 am

The Prime Minister has admitted that it is “too early” to say when holidays abroad can happen as “things look difficult.”

Boris Johnson was asked during a Downing Street press conference, when can Brits be allowed to go overseas for a holiday.

Johnson replied it is “too early to say” when holidays can resume.

He said, “My advice for everybody is to wait for the global travel taskforce to report. We’ve heard already that there are other European countries where the disease is rising.

“Things certainly look difficult for the time being. But we’ll be able to say more, we hope, in a few days time.

“I certainly hope to be saying some more by April 5. That’s the best you can hope for there.”

Johnson warned on Monday that the UK will soon “feel the effects” of Europe’s third wave as it sweeps across the bloc.

Europe is seeing a huge surge in coronavirus cases and the continent is going back into lockdown and Johnson warned that the UK should be “under no illusions” that infections will “wash up on our shores.”

The Health Secretary, Matt Hancock has warned people not to get their hopes up about going abroad this summer or even to book holidays in the continent.

Hancock told Sky News, “We are seeing this third wave rising in some parts of Europe and we’re also seeing new variants and it is very important that we protect the progress that we’ve been able to make here in the UK.”

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