Home Business News Boris is to ‘confirm Christmas is on’ as MPs are ‘gripped with fear the public would never forgive them’ it if was ruined

Boris is to ‘confirm Christmas is on’ as MPs are ‘gripped with fear the public would never forgive them’ it if was ruined

6th Dec 21 11:55 am

Prime Minister is to “confirm Christmas is on” and there will be no more restrictions introduced over the festive season.

The government are set to give their next Downing Street briefing on 18 December, but Cabinet insiders told The Sun Boris Johnson intends to bring this forward by a few days.

This is to confirm to the British public across England that all can carry on with their Christmas plans as there will be no more constraints.

This comes as it has been reported that MPs are “gripped with a united fear the public would never forgive them if they ruin Christmas for the second year running.”

Another government source said, “The hope is we won’t have to introduce anything new, and the current measures, testing at the border and mask-wearing are not too much of an impingement.”

But the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) are strongly urging the government to bring back restrictions to bring back the passport vaccine system and to instruct Brits to work from home where they can.

The Sage scientists who advise the government believe the UK needs to look at curtailing people’s freedoms further.

The meeting’s minutes read, “Past SAGE advice on measures to reduce transmission remains highly relevant, including but not limited to advice around ventilation, face coverings, hand hygiene, reducing contacts (e.g. by working from home), vaccination certification, and the importance of effective testing, contact tracing and isolation.”

Moderna’s chief medical officer Dr Paul Burton said he is “optimistic” in combating the Omicron variant because of what has already been learned.

However, Dr Burton said, “Until we see how this virus now behaves in populations of older people, people with other comorbidities.

“We really want to get a handle on exactly how severe the disease could be.”

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