Home Business Insights & Advice Best places to work overseas in 2018

Best places to work overseas in 2018

25th Jun 18 10:20 am

Here are the best places

Working abroad programs can be a breath of new and refreshing air. It can be an adventure for those who are worried about their happiness on the job instead of paychecks. If you are ready to bring some positive changes in your life, you can choose from a variety of international positions that will increase your satisfaction. These jobs offer incredible benefits like broadened perspective, a novel business network, host of transferable skills and fluency in the foreign language. Here are the best places in the world to work overseas in 2018.


For la dolce vita (sweet life), Italy is the best country to work abroad and live. If you know Italian, you have chances to become a tourist. If not, you can teach English, help at summer camps or work as one au pair (young foreigner). There are unlimited opportunities for people who can fluently speak Italian.  You can find jobs in Florence, Milan, exports of wine/food in Rome, etc.


Spain is the best place to work abroad. The competitive job market of Spain is famous for its high-paying positions. If you have excellent language skills and relevant experience, you may get work in almost every field. Without language skills and knowledge, you can do some secure jobs like teaching English, hospitality, tourism and a pairing. Sevilla, Valencia, Barcelona, and Madrid are easy places to work overseas in Spain.


Because of shared language and culture, England is always the best place for Americans to live overseas. England is famous for arts, journalism, education, and business. Whilst cities such as London are densely populated, the job market is still full of opportunity. Work in multicultural cities: Manchester, Liverpool, and London can be hugely profitable. England is the best place to explore continental Europe and the UK.


Australia can be the best place for working abroad. Most expatriates get work temping in agencies, hospitality or service sector and au pair services. If you love animals, you can work in cattle stations, ranches and farms. You will come to know about Aussie lifestyle while working in Perth, Melbourne, or Sydney. For its laid-back attitude, a plethora of jobs and sense of adventure, Australia is the best place to work and live abroad.

United States

Without any doubt, the United States is the best country to work and live abroad for non-Americans. If you can speak fluent English and highly qualified, you can get a job in IT and healthcare industry. There are plenty of opportunities for software developers, web designers, computer programmers, lab technicians, and nurses. If you are unskilled, you can find jobs in touristy spots, national parks, ski towns, and resorts.


China can be an ideal place to work and live because you can find much well-paid employment with affordable living cost. If you want a break in the global job market, make sure to get employment experience in worldwide cities like Shanghai and Hong Kong. This country has great potential for English teachers.

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