Home Brexit BCC warns of business leaders “frustration” and “growing anger” over EU withdrawal

BCC warns of business leaders “frustration” and “growing anger” over EU withdrawal

by LLB Reporter
16th Jan 19 1:51 pm

After last nights devastating defeat in Parliament with Theresa May’s Brexit vote and growing concerns over a messy and disorderly exit from the EU business leaders are rightfully worried.

Dr Adam Marshall, director general of the British Chambers of Commerce, said in responce to the meaningful vote on the Brexit withdrawal agreement and political declaration. He said, “There are no more words to describe the frustration, impatience, and growing anger amongst business after two and a half years on a high-stakes political rollercoaster ride that shows no sign of stopping.

“Basic questions on real-world operational issues remain unanswered, and firms now find themselves facing the unwelcome prospect of a messy and disorderly exit from the EU on 29 March.

“The overriding priority for both government and Parliament must now be to avoid the clear danger that a ‘no deal’ exit on the 29 March would pose to businesses and communities across the UK. Every second that ticks by sees more businesses spending money on unwanted changes, activating contingency plans or battening down the hatches and halting investment, as they try to anticipate a future that is no clearer now than it was at the time of the referendum result. 

“Businesses will take a dim view of more shuttle diplomacy and last-minute bargaining, which have so far done nothing to end the political impasse. The government must now urgently set out in concrete terms what it will do to avoid the damage that a messy and disorderly exit on 29 March would cause to businesses, communities, and the UK economy.”

The chief executive of  London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Colin Stanbridge said, “Brexit uncertainty has been impacting businesses for some time now, with business confidence and economic indicators in the capital plummeting.

But the adverse impact of the uncertainty is nothing compared to the economic disaster that will ensue if this country leaves the EU without a deal.

London businesses are aghast as Parliament continues to either guide or fail to stop the country heading towards the No Deal cliff edge.  MPs simply must agree a deal, and fast.”

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