Home Business NewsBusiness BA boss Willie Walsh's ultimatum: If the government dithers over a new runway, I'll move my business elsewhere

BA boss Willie Walsh's ultimatum: If the government dithers over a new runway, I'll move my business elsewhere

by LLB Editor
15th Dec 15 9:14 am

“This is not just fighting talk – we have the practical ability to expand elsewhere,” Walsh warned

Willie Walsh, CEO of British Airways’ parent company IAG, has threatened to ditch London for Spain if the government continues to dither on whether to build a new runway.

Last week the government said it’s deferred the decision on whether to build a new runway at Heathrow Airport until next summer.

Writing in the Daily Mail, Walsh warned: “We’re a small island, and this government looks set to make us even smaller on the world stage. Our leaders bestride the world saying the UK is open for business, but their actions do not match the rhetoric.

“If the government continues to dither over a new runway, then I’ll move my business elsewhere. We now have airlines in Dublin and Madrid, and can expand our business there, supporting the strengthening Irish and Spanish economies.

“This is not just fighting talk – we have the practical ability to expand elsewhere. This means Spain and Ireland will get the economic benefits and new jobs from our expansion plans, while the UK government twiddles its thumbs and watches as the world progresses around it.”

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