Home Business NewsBusiness AT&T faces battles as Time Warner deal comes under review

AT&T faces battles as Time Warner deal comes under review

24th Oct 16 11:54 am

New media mega deal you need to know about

AT&T faces battles as it persuades US regulators that it’s multi-billion-dollar purchase of Time Warner will not result in one company gaining too much power.

The $85.4bn (£69.8bn) takeover if approved by US regulators will give AT&T control over channels such as HBO and CNN, film studio Warner Bros , the TNT and TBS cable channels, and other coveted media assets.

The company will have control over massive shows such as Game of Thrones, The Sopranos, Sex and The City and more.

Both presidential candiates have expressed their concerns over the bid but those in favour of the deal would probably have an easier time of it if Clinton is elected this coming November.

Republican Donald Trump has already spoken about how he’s against the medias role in what he’s described as a “rigged” election and has said he would block it if he’s elected.

Trump’s economic adviser Peter Navarro told Sky News: “Donald Trump would never approve such a deal because it concentrates too much power in the hands of the too powerful few.”

Clinton’ spokesman, Brian Fallon, pointed out that there was “still a lot of information that needs to come out before any conclusions should be reached”.

A meeting will be held in November with the Senate subcommittee before a decision is made on the deal.

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