Home London News Are you ready for next week’s Tube strike?

Are you ready for next week’s Tube strike?

28th Sep 17 3:55 pm

Here’s what you need to know

Aslef members are to stage a 24-hour walkout on Thursday, 5 October, the whole of the Tube network will be in disarray.

The walkout starts at 12:01am next Thursday, although the strike will not properly kick in until the early hours of Friday morning, for the whole day.

Newxt Wednesday is the last day in which talks could see the strike being called off, there will be a last-ditch attempt between transport bosses and union leaders.

The dispute is about the pay deal agreed in 2015 with both the drivers and transport heads.

Furthermore, Aslef are saying that transport bosses have failed in their commitment with the number of weekend shifts and to allow members to work four days a week, this is rejected by London Underground (LU).

Finn Brennan of Aslef said: “As part of the settlement of the dispute over the introduction of Night Tube, LU agreed to introduce a mechanism to allow drivers to reduce the number of shifts they work, on a pro-rata basis, and ‘new ways of working’ to reduce the percentage of weekend shifts worked by July this year.

“They have repeatedly refused to make any detailed proposals to do so.

“For more than 18 months management have prevaricated, stalled and delayed.

“Deadlines have repeatedly been missed and promises broken while our detailed proposals to resolve these issues have been ignored.

“Our members’ patience has finally been exhausted.”

LU’s director of network operations, Nigel Holness said: “We are committed to ensuring that our employees are able to maintain a good balance between their work and personal lives, and we have been working closely with the unions to explore new ways to achieve this.

“I encourage Aslef to continue working with us constructively rather than moving towards unnecessary strike action.

“The trial [on the Jubilee line] only finished recently and the results will be collected and analysed alongside both Aslef and the RMT union, as was agreed with both trade unions.”

Their a total of 3,500 Tube drivers that work for LU, 80 per cent of these are Aslef members, the full impact will not be known until the day of the strike.

If you do decide to try and somehow get to work then walking maybe your best option, or working remote.

Transport for London has said they provide passengers with updates Monday, 2 October.

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