Home Business NewsBusiness Are Brits ready for Bitcoin?

Are Brits ready for Bitcoin?

by LLB Reporter
7th Sep 18 7:18 am

Luno, a global cryptocurrency company, has today launched its Bitcoin Barometer showing that an estimated 15.8 million UK residents either currently own or are open to owning cryptocurrencies in the future.

Luno surveyed over 2,000 UK respondents to develop a Bitcoin Barometer that discovered what they already knew about cryptocurrencies today and how important they consider them to be now and in the future.

Four in five had heard of cryptocurrencies, nearly a quarter (23 percent) of those surveyed currently looking to find out more, while over a quarter (28 percent) believed that cryptocurrency would become a mainstream currency, like USD or GBP, in the future.

Overall the results showed that cryptocurrencies are here to stay: a fifth of those surveyed believed they would be shopping, both in store and online, using cryptocurrency in the future. The Bitcoin Barometer has demonstrated that overall the Brits are open to taking this new financial system into the everyday, with a mainstream adoption beyond tech-savvy investors.

The survey revealed that trust is still a major concern, with 43 percent not having purchased any Bitcoin because they don’t trust them and over half (55%) percent believing cryptocurrencies need to be regulated like traditional currencies.

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