Home London News April Fools! Corporates can be funny too, sort of

April Fools! Corporates can be funny too, sort of

1st Apr 15 12:23 pm

When I arrived to work this morning my colleagues had locked me out. It was an April fool, ha ha! Luckily, there are some decent ones out there (sorry guys)

Sky Movies

Star Wars fans’ dreams have come true – at least for one day. A new Star Wars movie is coming out! click on the link, go on, click, CLICK.



“A new frontier for game play, we’re taking gaming out of the living room and into the swimming pool”


PlayStation Flow



ASOS Australia

I can actually see this happening – which is why it works so well.



“Welcome to MS-DOS Mobile. Going back to basic. Black and white text has never looked so good”





There’s something fishy going on…




More Gum Tea vicar?


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