Home Business News Apple faces lawsuits over slowed iPhones

Apple faces lawsuits over slowed iPhones

22nd Dec 17 1:40 pm

Customers seek compensation

A day after Apple admitted of slowing down older models iPhones, the tech giant is facing a wave of class action lawsuits alleging that it deceived customers.

Apple has been contacted for comment.

Two class action lawsuits have been launched against Apple in the US following the tech giant’s admission that it did this to “prolong the life” of the devices and maximise diminishing battery power.

The lawsuits were filed in California and Chicago by groups of iPhone users representing others, who they claim have suffered “economic damage”. The lawsuit in California requests that Apple stop reducing the processor speed of affected devices and pay compensation to affected customers.

James Vlahakis, of the Sulaiman Law Group is representing the plaintiffs in the Chicago legal action. “Apple’s failure to inform consumers these updates would wreak havoc on the phone’s performance is being deemed purposeful, and if proven, constitutes the unlawful and decisive withholding of material information,” he said in a statement.

Other suits are expected to be filed.

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