Home Business NewsBusiness Alliance Trust Savings helps bring money skills to thousands of UK schoolchildren

Alliance Trust Savings helps bring money skills to thousands of UK schoolchildren

15th May 17 11:20 am

Here’s how

Alliance Trust Savings is working alongside fifteen other leading UK financial services companies and TISA to launch KickStart Money, a ground-breaking new project to deliver much needed money skills to thousands of schoolchildren.

With an initial investment of £1m, KickStart Money will take financial education to nearly 18,000 7-11-year-olds across the UK. The project has already been recognised by the Money Advice Service and has received funding as part of their What Works Fund.

KickStart Money strongly supports calls for financial education to become a compulsory element of the Primary National Curriculum. The first initiative to be rolled out will be the Money Twist programme from primary delivery partner and award-winning financial education charity MyBnk. These highly interactive workshops focus on savings, budgeting and borrowing to help build positive financial behaviours in young people.

Patrick Mill, chief executive of Alliance Trust Savings, said: “As one of the UK’s leading financial services organisations, we feel it is our responsibility to support and encourage better attitudes towards money.”

“Financial literacy is an important issue and while we know that many savings habits are developed at primary school age, parents and teachers often lack the confidence to equip young people with money skills. This new interactive programme will ensure that more children across the whole of the UK have the knowledge and skills they need, while at the same time making finance fun.”

“KickStart Money is a serious industry commitment to improve financial literacy and we’re proud to be working alongside some of the biggest players in financial services to help create better financial futures for generations to come.”

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