Home Business Insights & Advice AI and online slots: What does the future hold for them?

AI and online slots: What does the future hold for them?

by Sarah Dunsby
13th Mar 23 10:57 am

In 2023, you would be hard-pressed to find any industry that has not been impacted by, or that does not currently make use of, artificial intelligence or machine learning. AI is constantly making the lives of human beings easier in both big and small ways. From online chatbots that can answer basic customer support queries and make recommendations based on questions and answers to Alexa or Siri, making calls or starting our playlists.

AI, or machine learning, is in the apps that we use every day, in the facial recognition that unlocks our phones, in the social media algorithms that curate our feeds, and in our robot vacuum cleaners and Google searches. It’s also in the random number generators, or RNGs, behind online casino games such as UK online slots, blackjack, and the like.

If this all sounds like high-tech gibberish to you, don’t fret! We’re going to explain what AI really means for those of you who may not fully understand the concept, and take a look at how AI and online casino games work together and what that might begin to look like in the future.

So, what exactly is AI?

AI, or artificial intelligence, is a simulation of human intelligence processes carried out by machines and by computer systems, in particular. AI’s applications are many and far-reaching, and new ones are being developed every day. Currently, these functions include speech recognition, expert systems, language processing, and machine vision. AI was developed to simulate human intelligence but function at a higher level.

Machine learning is similar to AI but a little bit less complex. “The use and development of computer systems that are able to learn and adapt without following explicit instructions, by using algorithms and statistical models to analyse and draw inferences from patterns in data.” The two terms are often conflated, and to the general public, they serve to describe varying levels of more or less the same processes.

What does AI have to do with online casino games?

AI and machine learning are employed in online casino games for many things. AI affects what the player sees on the front end and what the developers and staff deal with on the back end. AI is used to ensure that security is as tight as possible: tighter and less penetrable than any human could manage with their eyes and minds alone. It can identify players that have been banned for one reason or another and kick them off the site, it keeps the games fair by managing the RNG and ensuring that no one can predict when a win will occur, and it can grant employees access to safeguarding information by using facial recognition technology. AI is also used in chatbots that help players to find answers to basic questions and assist in marketing the casino and its games.

Online casinos have evolved a lot since they first began popping up on the internet, and AI takes the credit for a lot of the streamlining that has taken place.

What does the future hold?

AI is employed in all sorts of industries to streamline processes. It’s already done a lot of that in the gambling industry, but there’s always more pressure that can be taken off human employees. AI will continue to assist with chat, helping players handle basic issues such as having trouble withdrawing or depositing money into their casino account or whether or not they can play using a VPN. This leaves human employees free to handle more complicated issues and those that require direct phone or email contact with a support person.

Immersive experiences are everything these days. We used to be okay with a projector or a VHS machine at home and a regular, flat movie screen at the cinema, for example. These days, we have surround sound and 4K TVs, and cinemas have surround sound, 3D, or even 4D characteristics. The same is true of the online casino industry: players want to be immersed in the games they play at home. They want to hear the tinkle of the tokens when they win on a slot, see the ball spinning on the roulette wheel, and feel like they’re at a table with other players when they’re really in their lounge in their bath robe! AI helps to make the online slot experience so much more immersive and personalised than it has ever been before. It draws you into the game by using algorithms to monitor and remember your preferences, and suggests other games you might like.

Safety in online casinos is paramount, and AI helps to improve not only the safety of the casino as a business, but also that of the players. Top-notch security keeps players’ information safe and keeps their transactions secure, leaving no room for anyone with bad intentions to sneak in.

Wrap up

AI and online casinos are the best of friends. One makes the other infinitely better, and we know we’ll see more improvements than we ever could have imagined as a result.


Please play responsibly. For more information and advice visit https://www.begambleaware.org

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